Custom Fields

Custom Fields

The Custom Field Master is used to create and manage custom fields in a CRM system. By creating custom fields, you can capture additional information about your customers and tailor your CRM system to meet your specific business needs.

Add Custom Fields

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Custom Field > Add Custom Field

Field Name


Custom Group

This field allows you to select the custom field group to which the custom field belongs. Custom field groups are used to organize custom fields within a CRM system.


This field is used to enter the name of the custom field


This field allows you to select the type of custom field you want to create. The available types are text area, text box, radio button, checkbox and Dropdown


If the custom field type is a drop-down, checkbox, or radio button, you can enter the possible values for the field. For example, if the custom field is a drop-down list of countries, you would enter the names of the countries as the possible values.


This field allows you to provide additional information about the custom field.

Edit Custom Fields

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Custom Field > Edit Custom Field

Delete Custom Field

Go to Top Panel > Settings > CRM > Custom > Delete Custom Field

(Note: Once data has been stored in a custom field within a CRM system, the field cannot be removed.)