

You can browse all of the candidates on the listing page, and a search box is available for quick candidate searches.

After choosing a candidate, you can read the important information about that person and the stages of the interview that they successfully completed in the right side panel.

Add New Candidate

To add new Candidate:-

Simply navigate to the left panel and select Recruitment Management > Candidates > Add Candidate, here you will find below mention tabs

  1. Basic

    In this section you need to add basic information of the candidate like Name, Contact Details, Address, Candidate source, and remarks. We can also add multiple notes for candidates.

  2. Professional
    Note: Supported formats for resumes are PDF, Excel, WordPad, and Notepad.

    In this section you can add candidate’s Job position, Number of Experience year, and Expected salary. You can also upload a resume from here. If you want to add multiple experiences then you are also able to do it from this screen.

  3. Interview

    From this section, you can schedule an interview by entering information like Interview Date, Schedule Time. Below is additional Information

  4. Experience

    In this section, you can add candidate previous company Detail, CTC, and reason for their company. And also display candidate Education and Skill & Expertise

    1. Education

      In this Subsection you can add the candidate's major degree, degree completion year, and university details.

    2. Skill & Expertise

      In this Subsection you can add a candidate's extra skill, expertise, responsibilities and their achievements.

  5. Status

    In this section you can manage candidate’s status history Ex. Applied, Canceled, Future, Scheduled, Hired But Not Join. For each status change, you can also add remarks.

    Each Status come from candidate status master (link candidate status master)

  6. Interviews

    From this section, you can schedule an interview by entering information like Interview Date, Schedule Time. Below is additional information

    1. Interview Date

      Here you Write the interview schedule date

    2. Interview Time

      Here, write the interview schedule time

    3. Interview Stage

      You can select an interview schedule for each stage, like initial, first interview, or HR round. You can configure this data from Recruitment Management => Interview Stage

      Each Interview Stage come from candidate Interview master (link) you can define your own interview stage

    4. Interviewer

      In this section, you can enter the name of the interviewer who will conduct the interview, and after the interview, the interviewer can provide feedback and also give the rating link

    5. Interview Link

      Interviewer will add this after completion of the interview, he/she needs to enter how much time he/she spends on the interview.

    6. Interview Time

      If you have to schedule a virtual interview, then you can enter a link for the interview, which the employee can see in his dashboard. We also gave Zoom integration for directly generating links from here.

    7. Remark & Rating

      An interviewer on completion of the interview will fill in this information he/she will enter the result/feedback of the candidate and also give the rating of the employee.

    8. Is Notify

      If we have to send mail to candidates about scheduled interviews then we can do it from this option. This option will display email content and we can change it if needed.

      At the bottom section, we can see all past interviews of candidates and its result and comment of interviewer if interview is completed.

  7. Followup

    If you want to add a follow-up the candidate later, do it from here

    Subject:- here to add followup subject

    Type:- here you can select follow up type

    Schedule Date:- here you can add follow-up schedule date

    Schedule Time:- here you can add follow-up schedule time

    Remind me before:- If you want to set a reminder to follow-up up here you can set a reminder The system will remind via email or notification

Like:- before 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, etc.


Description:- here to add a follow-up Description

Completed:- If follow-up completed than check the checkbox

  1. Reference:- Candidate references by allowing for feedback, and verification. It simplifies the process and ensures all necessary information is collected.

    Name:- Here to add Employee name

    Email:- Here to add Email

    Mobile:- Here to add mobile number

    Once you can add basic details, you can send mail.

    Once you add the reference mail form

    You can add Remark, Verify by, Verify Date

    Remark: Here you can add a remark for reference mail

    Verify By: You can specify by name who confirmed this mail when you verify the reference mail here.

    Verify Date: Here you can add a reference verify Date

  2. Communication

    It's always difficult to manage and later search for full communication with candidates. By using this section, you can do all employee communication from here and can also see the history of all sent emails.

    Using this section, you can communicate with candidates through Email/SMS and Whatsapp.

    We can also see the history of all communication with candidates.

    Note: SMS and Whatsapp charges apply.

    Recruitment is a process through which we hire our new employees and this process requires lots of effort and human hours. If we organize it properly then we can get the best result and can also save lots of human hours. Through our Recruitment Management Section, you can manage your Jobs, Candidates, Interviews, and Communication with Candidates.